

发布时间:2023-04-24   来源:创业之家    






谈判开始后,日方首先大诉其苦,诉说己方面临的种种困难,希望得到中方的帮助。 我方开诚布公地介绍了我方红豆的情况:新货库存不足,陈货偏多。价格上新货要高一些,因此希望日方购买去年的存货。虽经再三说明,日方仍然坚持全部购买新货,谈判陷入僵局。 第二天,双方再次回到谈判桌前。日方首先拿出一份最新的官方报纸,指着上面的一篇报道说:“你们的报纸报道今年的红豆获得了大丰收,所以,不存在供应量的问题,我们依然坚持昨天的观点。”

日方本来最初的订货量计划为2000吨,但称订货量为3000吨,并要求新货量为2000吨。中方听后连连摇头:“3000吨我们可以保证,但是其中2000吨新货是不可能的,我们至多只能给800吨。”日方认为800吨太少,希望能再多供应一些。中方诚恳地说:“考虑到你们的订货量较大,才答应供应800吨,否则,连800吨都是不可能的,我方已尽力而为了”。 “既然你们不能增加新货量,那我们要求将订货量降为2000吨,因为那么多的旧货我们回去也无法交代”。中方表示不同意,谈判再次中断。

过了两天,日方又来了,他们没有找到更合适的供应商,而且时间也不容许他们再继续拖下去。这次,日方主动要求把自己的总订货量提高到2200吨,其中800吨新货保持不变。 中方的答复:刚还有一位客户订购了一批红豆,其中包括200吨新货(实际那位客户只买走100吨)。这下,日方沉不住气了,抱怨中方不守信用,中方据理力争:“这之前,我们并没有签订任何协议,你本人也并未要求我们替你保留。”日方自知理亏,也就不再说什么,然后借口出去一下,实际是往总部打电话。回来后,一副很沮丧的样子,他对中方说:“如果这件事办不好,那么回去后我将被降职、降薪,这将使我很难堪,希望你们能考虑到我的难处。”







In this case, there are some strategies:

1、China takes frank opening as strategy at the beginning of the negotiation: China is the seller in this case, and according to international practice China introduces the situation of ormosia firstly. China states that new ormosia is not enough while old ormosia reserves much. However, after knowing the situation Japan lies that they need for 3000 tons and 2000 tons new ormosia is concluded. We can see that Japan uses the reserved opening strategy. Japan knows that China has a good harvest of ormosia this year but doesn't know how much exactly. Through this strategy Japan wants to know Chinese real strength and whether China can meet their needs.

Have Known that the Chinese would not consent to the requirement of 2000 tons of new goods , the Japanese implement the “hitting three birds with one stone” strategy. First, get to the bottom of Chinese. Besides, the Japanese think that if the Chinese can meet their requirements, their own benefits can get great satisfaction. Finally, the Japanese settle for second best. with the situation that the Chinese do not agree with them, the Japanese kick the”ball” to the Chinese and they were able to climb down for granted.

While the Chinese adopted suspense and competitive strategy.

Considering that there may be opportunities to cooperate with the Japanese in the future and it is a lie that they have sold 200 tons of new goods, the Chinese think that why not take the remaining 100 tons to do they a good turn. So the Chinese is very tolerant to say,“It is not a easy thing to do business, so I could try to help you to get 100 tons of new goods.” Take the circuitous tactics and unexpected strategy, the Chinese make the Janpanese feel that they have tried their best to make such a concession. It is wise for the Chinese to apply the “act tough and talk soft” strstegy here.


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